Mobile App Development


Mobile App Development

Agency in New Zealand

Your native brand experience

We are passionate about creating user-friendly mobile applications that keep your audience engaged. Our experienced designers and developers specialise in cross-platform mobile app development for iOS and Android platforms. Whether you need a mobile app for your business or a startup, we've got you covered.


Mobile App Development


Your experienced mobile app development agency

Selecting a skilled agency for mobile app development ensures access to expert knowledge and a seamless blend of design, technology, cost, and time effectiveness. At Take2 Elevate, we pride ourselves on delivering exceptional mobile app development services, thanks to a team of top professionals sourced from industry leaders. Our commitment to excellence and innovation sets us apart.

Additionally, we can provide continuous support and maintenance, ensuring your app remains competitive and fully functional. Partner with us to transform your innovative ideas into scaleable apps that drive revenue and retention.

Our Approach


Mobile App Development

Our mobile app services

App Integration

Seamless integration of your app with existing systems and third-party services to enhance functionality and user experience.

UI/UX Design

User-centric design strategies that guarantee an intuitive, easy, and engaging experience for your app users.

App Support & Maintenance

We offer the option of ongoing support and maintenance services to keep your app updated, secure, and running smoothly.

App Testing & Quality Assurance

Comprehensive testing services to ensure your app is bug-free, user-friendly, and performs flawlessly.

Cloud Integration

Leverage the power of cloud computing for scalable, secure, and efficient app performance of AWS, Google Cloud, and Firebase.

Cross-Platform Development (Hybrid)

Develop once, deploy everywhere. Get your app working seamlessly on iOS, Android, and the web.

Custom App Development

Tailored solutions that fit your unique business needs, ensuring your app stands out.

E-commerce App Development

Custom ecommerce solutions to drive sales, improve customer engagement, and streamline shopping experiences.

Create a visually stunning and user-friendly mobile app with our design services. Our expert designers will work closely with you to create a captivating mobile app design that looks great and provides a frictionless user experience.

From the user interface (UI) to the user experience (UX), we focus on every detail to ensure your mobile app is aesthetically pleasing and highly functional. Trust our expertise in mobile app design to bring your vision to life.


Mobile App Development


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Purpose Driven

Mobile App Development

We put our money where your community is

Take2 Elevate donates all its profits to Take2, our non-profit arm working within the justice system. Take2 delivers coding education, provides mental health support, prepares individuals for job readiness, and supports their successful integration into the tech community after program completion.

Our business model changes lives and opens doors to new opportunities, demonstrating our dedication to empowerment and paving the way for meaningful participation in the tech industry. When you choose Take2 Elevate as your web development partner, you're not just investing in a top-notch app; you're choosing to create impactful change.

Invest in Take2 Elevate's

Mobile App Development


Mobile App Development

 Tool Stack

Our Client's Experience

Don't take our word for it

In the ideation phase, need help with ongoing maintenance, or need to rescue a derailed project? We've got your back.

"When we were thinking about who to work with for the refresh of our website, Take2 Elevate was a really natural choice for us. We absolutely love the work that Take2 are doing."

Roy Thompson
Managing Director
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"Working with Take2 Elevate was a seamless experience. Their understanding of our needs and their ability to translate that into a user-friendly platform was exceptional."

Heather Polaschek
Head of People and Culture at Rush
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"Their communication, maturity, and alignment with our mission were exceptional, making the collaboration a fantastic experience. We'd definitely work with them again."

Joshua Ross
Co-Founder of Humanitix
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Mobile App Development


Stages of Mobile App Development

We not only get results, but we do it cost-effectively, leaving more budget for your business! Our approach ensures clarity at each process stage and eliminates costly revisions.

Create detailed user flows and wireframes as a roadmap for your app's development and functionality, ensuring clarity and precision.
We conduct rigorous testing before launching your mobile app to ensure its functionality, performance, and security. Our team identifies and fixes bugs to provide a flawless user experience.
Once the app is thoroughly tested and approved, we assist you in deploying it to the relevant app stores, such as Google Play Store or Apple App Store. Our experts handle the submission process and ensure compliance with all necessary guidelines.
In this stage, our skilled developers bring your app to life. We use the latest technologies and frameworks to build a robust and scalable mobile application that runs seamlessly on multiple platforms.
Your mobile app's journey continues after its launch. We can offer ongoing support and maintenance services to keep your app up-to-date, secure, and optimised for better performance. Our team is always ready to assist you with any updates or enhancements.
Building interactive prototypes to visualise and refine your app's user experience, bridging the gap between idea and reality.
We research your target customers and competitors to make sure your app design and functionality meets user expectations, setting the foundation for success.


Mobile App Development


Expert Complementary Services


We're lucky to collaborate with incredibly talented copywriters who are the best in the business. Copywriting for mobile apps is a skill and an art form that blends creative flair with sharp strategic insight. Given the rapid pace of mobile apps and how quickly attention can drift, the power of meticulously chosen words stands out more than ever.

Effective mobile app copywriting goes beyond mere information; it's about captivating the user, expressing your brand's unique voice, and making every word count. It involves delving into the psychology of your target audience, crafting messages that resonate deeply with them, and guiding them effortlessly through a seamless journey on your mobile app. The correct copy-fit for your audience can position your brand, set you apart from competitors, and greatly enhance the user experience of your mobile app.

Growth Marketing

When it comes to mobile apps, growth marketing is crucial for overcoming obstacles and achieving business growth. We collaborate with top digital marketers to tackle key areas such as Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Revenue, and Referral. Growth marketers craft data-driven campaigns that attract new customers and optimise campaign effectiveness through audience understanding.

After acquiring customers, they shift focus to Activation, optimising onboarding and user experience to convert leads into active, paying customers. Retention strategies, such as personalised communication and rewards, are employed to maintain customer engagement and satisfaction. Revenue generation involves analysing pricing and conversion funnels to maximise Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) and implementing upselling, cross-selling, and promotions. Referral marketing expands the customer base through referral programs and viral strategies, actively tracking to ensure effectiveness. Growth marketing is an integrated, data-led approach to app marketing, partnering with digital marketing experts to run tests to scale your mobile app.


Mobile App Development

 Blog Posts

Read our blogs for more insights and best practices

Frequently Asked

Mobile App Development


All the A's to your Q's

How much does it cost to develop a mobile app?

We’ll engage with you to help you understand specific costs, as many factors influence pricing. However, here are some rough guidelines that can help with your thinking.

  • Basic proof-of-concept apps could range from $10,000 to $30,000.
  • Small apps might cost between $30,000 and $80,000.
  • Medium-sized apps are estimated at $80,000 to $150,000.
  • Large, feature-rich apps could exceed $150,000.

Several key factors contribute to the cost:

  • Features: The functionality and capabilities provided to users.
  • App Type: The industry or sector the app serves, such as healthcare, education, or food delivery.
  • Supported Platforms: Whether the app is designed for web and/or cross-platform mobile.
  • Design Complexity: The complexity of user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design required.
Will there be ongoing costs for my mobile app once it has been developed?

It's important to note that the investment in an app extends beyond the initial build. Ongoing expenses can be significant. For instance:

  • Server Fees vary widely, depending on factors such as traffic, file numbers, and file size.
  • Developer Accounts: Necessary for app release, with Google and Apple charging a small annual fee.
  • Ongoing Maintenance: This varies based on the app's complexity and the nature of the engagement. 
  • Third-Party Tools: Costs vary based on the tools required.
  • Marketing: Budgets can range significantly, but marketing is crucial for app visibility and success.
What is mobile app development?

Mobile app development is creating software applications that run on mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets. It involves several steps: ideation, design, development, testing, and deployment.

What are the key steps in the mobile app development process?

The key steps in the mobile app development process include ideation, design, development, testing, and deployment. Each step is crucial in creating a successful mobile app.

What is the difference between native, hybrid, and web apps?

Native apps are designed specifically for a particular mobile platform, such as iOS or Android, using programming languages like Swift (iOS) and Java/Kotin (Android). Hybrid apps are written in a framework like Flutter or React Native that runs on Android and iOS. On the other hand, web apps are accessed through a web browser and do not require installation.

What programming languages are commonly used for mobile app development?

The commonly used programming languages for native mobile app development include Java or Kotlin for Android and Swift or Objective-C for iOS. However, frameworks like Flutter and React Native allow developers to write once and deploy it on Android and iOS.

How do I choose between iOS and Android development?

With cross-platform development, you don’t need to. By using Flutter or React Native, we can write once and deploy the app on both Android and iOS.

What factors influence the timeline for app development?

Factors such as app complexity, features, design intricacy, and testing requirements can influence the timeline for app development. We account for these factors when estimating the development timeline.

What is the role of UX/UI design in mobile app development?

UX/UI design is crucial in mobile app development. It ensures the app is visually appealing, intuitive, and easy to navigate. It focuses on creating a seamless user experience.

What is your approach to mobile app design and user experience?

Our approach to mobile app design and user experience follows design thinking and agile methodology, allowing for flexibility and iterative improvements based on user feedback. We aim to create visually appealing and user-friendly apps that move users towards a desired action.

Do I need technical knowledge to be involved in the development process?

While technical knowledge is unnecessary, we collaboratively involve you in the discovery and development process so that you can provide valuable input and insights.

How do app developers handle app store submissions and approvals?

App developers handle app store submissions and approvals by following the guidelines and requirements set by the respective app stores. They ensure the app meets the criteria and help clients navigate the submission process.

How long have you been developing mobile apps?

Our experienced team understands the mobile app development process and industry with over ten years of experience.

What is your development process like, and can you provide a timeline for our project?

We follow an agile methodology in our development process, which enables flexibility and allows us to make iterative improvements. The timeline for each project can vary, depending on its specific requirements. We will provide a personalised timeline after discussing the project details with you

Will my app be compatible with both iOS and Android?

We ensure your app is compatible with iOS and Android platforms. We develop cross-platform and hybrid apps to cater to a broader audience.

What support and maintenance do you provide after launching my app?

We can provide ongoing support and maintenance after launching your app. This includes addressing bugs, releasing updates, and ensuring compatibility with new devices and software versions.

How do you ensure the security of my user data?

We implement strict security measures to protect your user data. This may include encryption, secure data storage, and adherence to privacy regulations.

Can the app integrate with other services or APIs?

Our apps can integrate with other services or APIs to enhance functionality. We ensure seamless integration with third-party services to provide a comprehensive user experience.

What testing processes do you have in place?

We have rigorous testing processes to identify and rectify bugs or issues with your app. This includes functional, performance, and compatibility testing across various devices and operating systems.

Who owns the source code once the app is completed?

This is an important aspect that affects the control of your app and future development possibilities. Once the app is paid in full, the source code will be 100% yours.

Is it Better to Opt for Native or Hybrid App Development?

At Take2 Elevate, we believe in a hybrid approach. This approach exposes your app to more users while reducing development costs.

How does Take2 Elevate Manage Project Communication and Organisation?

Take2 Elevate stands out with project management capabilities comparable to the best in the industry. When you embark on your app development venture with us, a dedicated project manager will be assigned to you, ensuring a guided and smooth experience. We use leading project management tools like Jira, Confluence and Slack to maintain order and transparency and involve you directly in the process with your project team.

Let's elevate your next project together.

We're ready, are you?