Digital tools to help develop their talent.


Streamlining L&D with a custom web app.
Web app
Technology Services


 Project Overview

Making better digital experiences.

RUSH has delivered some of the top recent technology projects in NZ, including the COVID Tracer App and Woolaroo, an app that brings indigenous languages to your fingertips.

RUSH stands out in the digital industry for its innate ability to attract, retain, and develop top talent. At the core of its success is a commitment to fostering a culture of continuous learning and development.

The Opportunity

Streamlining L&D Opportunities

Despite the abundance of L&D courses available, RUSH’s staff found it challenging to navigate the myriad of development options when crafting their individual development plans. The process often proved daunting, with individuals struggling to identify courses that suited their needs and schedules. Additionally, understanding the cost implications of each course added another layer of complexity.

Although RUSH allocated a $1,000 L&D budget to its employees annually, there was a common struggle in determining the most suitable ways to allocate these funds. This led RUSH to seek a solution that would simplify this process.

The Solution for


Custom Web Apps Simplifying L&D Access

Take2 Elevate stepped in to develop a custom web application tailored to Rush Digital's requirements. The key features of this application included:

Pre-Identified Courses

A curated selection of L&D courses, pre-identified by Rush people leaders, ensuring relevance and quality.

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Transparent Cost Display

Each course listed the costs upfront, enabling staff to make informed decisions based on their budgets.

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User-Friendly Filtering

An intuitive interface allows staff to filter courses based on capacity and schedule.

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Ease of Use and Ongoing Management

The web application was designed with simplicity in mind. The platform allows non-technical staff to effortlessly update content and add new courses, ensuring the longevity and adaptability of the solution.

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The Result

"Working with Take2 Elevate was a seamless experience. Their understanding of our needs and their ability to translate that into a user-friendly platform was exceptional."

Heather Polaschek
Head of People and Culture at Rush
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Enhanced L&D Accessibility

Heather Polaschek, Head of People and Culture at Rush, noted:

"The impact of the web app on our staff's development has been profound. The process of discovering and comprehending L&D opportunities has significantly improved. Consequently, we’ve observed increased completion rates of individual learning plans and a notable uptick in L&D expenditure."

As RUSH’s L&D needs continue to evolve, the custom web application is poised to adapt and grow, thanks to its flexible design and ease of management. This project not only solved an immediate need but also laid the groundwork for continuous improvement and innovation in staff development at Rush.

"Working with Take2 Elevate was a seamless experience. Their understanding of our needs and their ability to translate that into a user-friendly platform was exceptional."

Heather Polaschek
Head of People and Culture at Rush
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